Day 15,462 - Episode 1

Greetings from a new dimension. This is an introduction to the first episode of a journey to authenticity. A construct for truth of all variants. 

I was trying to package this nicely. What if I just sat down and wrote exactly what this is? Don't look at the screen in the process at all, don’t look out the window, don’t look at the phone. Try looking in and see what’s really happening there under all that noise? There is no plan here, so far. I want to stop making plastic BS and just tell the truth. Yes, the truth is difficult, but it will free you. I’m trying to face my fear and take you along for the ride in the process, I hope to create something beautiful. I hope you give me a chance.

I invite you to come along and help find meaning. 

Ruthless, vulnerable, beautiful catharsis.

We don’t realize how lucky we are sometimes. We take for granted our ability to create. Consumed by copious amounts of distractions, rituals and competition. In the desensitization of it all we lose our capacity for real meaning.

Three Out of Ten - Episode 2

For the time being, these rough iterations are a work-in-progress effort to formulate a much desired and thoroughly procrastinated docuseries. It’s all very much in its inception and experimental phase. As the details are dialed in, these shorts will certainly improve and become more consistent.

We get too caught up with worrying about what people think or will think. This is my attempt to cut through to the core of what makes us tick. In that quest I’m hoping to find healing and make some much needed changes. I’m documenting that process and creating content which encompasses the human experience in an authentic format.

I love working on this project! It’s brought substantial meaning to life. I invite you to join me on this adventure.

Featuring a live performance by JD WolfRobe playing the jaw harp/vargan.

His music can be found here:

JD’s black hemp bandanas featured in the video can be found here:

Operation Liquidation - Episode 3

Part of transformation is shedding the old self. We get so attached to certain belongings, sometimes they come to define us. It’s important to rid yourself of these attachments and clear your vessel for new material and opportunities.

I found myself in exactly such circumstances and not by choice! I had to let go of something I thought came to define me. At what cost was I willing to make this change? Why was it even necessary to make such a drastic decision? 

That’s the ride we take in this third iteration titled “Operation Liquidation” of my new docuseries,

If you connect to this material, find this entertaining or beneficial, please don’t hesitate to share it. Your input would also be quite valuable! 

Looking forward to continuing this journey and improving upon it as well as myself with great haste.

Featuring music by JD WolfRobe

ALive Soul - End From The Beginning

ALive Soul - The Beginning From The End (Live)

Face Everything And Rise - Episode 4

The journey continues with episode 4 where we dig deeper into the inner abyss. It’s not always a pleasant process. But why?

Under lock and key, beyond zones of comfort, deep within us is truth. Hidden and under protection, guarded by fear. In that very same hidden chamber is shame along with a conciliatory companion which we identify as pain. We carry this toxicity within us, often pretending it does not exist. It dictates our character, how we express and present ourselves. Who with and how we spend our days.

True freedom can only be achieved by conquering your fear. Through bringing it out and facing it directly.

Sometimes that requires asking difficult questions and facing even more difficult answers. That’s where real transformation begins and true freedom exists.

Don’t let fear rule you any longer. I invite you to let go of it by bringing it out of that hidden chamber of fear and darkness into the light of truth.

Let’s face everything and rise together!


JD WolfRobe - ALive Soul - The Beginning From The End (Live)

JD WolfRobe - Calling Home (Unreleased)

JD WolfRobe - You Wish You Knew? (Unreleased)

JD WolfRobe - All Hands on Deck (Unreleased)

JD WolfRobe & Martin Espino - Guitar and Native Flute - Live Improv (Unreleased)

JD WolfRobe - ALive Soul - Conquering Mountains (Live)

KoKopello is Our Fellow - Episode 5

You may know this fellow as KoKopello, Dim or Dmitry. Our kind, selfless, talented artist, philosopher and jester friend needs our help! The fifth iteration of the docuseries is a call to action. It’s a crucial time to give back to our KoKopello fellow who has so often been there for us in unquantifiable ways. This episode puts his perils front and center along with the faces and traces of his tremendous perseverance and colorful spirit. Here he shares his wisdom and meditates on self-realization with doom in juxtaposition.

These tales are from the recent past. What’s more important is his very near future, for which he needs our love and assistance. He’s starting from scratch in unfamiliar grounds. It’s up to us and our support to make that process more manageable for him so he can continue his journey in creating worlds and shining his bright light.

A GoFundMe campaign has been created to provide for Dim as he re-establishes his life after paying the hefty price of three years of his life in the federal penitentiary for a nonviolent offense related to the transportation of a plant. We ask for your donation, which will go towards helping him get back on his feet. Let’s mobilize and contribute in any way we can!

GoFundMe campaign:

Your help will be deeply appreciated and certainly make a difference in his life.


“Complete the project so you can take the risk of sharing it.

The risk is the price of creation.”

-Rick Rubin